Code of Ethics



FSANA understands the importance in which members conduct and operate their flight training business. Members of FSANA recognize the important and critical role they play in introducing people to the world of flight and providing pilot education on all levels starting with the light-sport, recreation and private pilot through the air transport pilot. 

Adhering to the highest level of ethics creates a platform for consistent delivery of products and services to the public and fellow members.

FSANA members pledge to conduct their business activities with the highest level of integrity at all times. FSANA members are committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical professional standards as described in the FSANA Code of Ethics

FSANA code of ethics for member flight schools

PRINTABLE .PDF of FSANA Code of Ethics for Member Flight Schools

Members agree to uphold the principle of fair play at all times and be aware of conduct which appears deceptive toward prospects, customers, peers, employees, vendors and the general public.
Members shall at all times provide accurate claims, testimonials and transparency in dealings with individuals, organizations and vendors.
Members recognize that best business practices, safety, training and continuing education are critical to the flight training industry.
Flight schools are in the education business and recognize the need to constantly strive for the highest level of competence in all facets of their business.
Members shall conduct themselves as professionals with the highest level of integrity at all times.
Members will support the mission of FSANA by participating on committees and boards to further the association and the flight training industry.
Members pledge to respect their peers. They are willing to share ideas which are in the betterment of the flight training industry which will foster good will within FSANA and the industry.
Members will establish and practice sound financial policies for their business.