Aviation stats

Quench your appetite for numbers

Statistics as reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as of December 31, 2019.

United States annual aviation statistics

Number of FAA air traffic control towers518
Number of FAA air traffic control enroute centers21
Square miles of airspace5,300,000
Air traffic controllers14,695
General aviation (GA) flight hours25,212,000
GA fixed-wing piston aircraft43,040
GA fixed-wing turboprop aircraft9,925
GA fixed-wing business jet aircraft14,596
GA rotorcraft piston aircraft3,082
GA rotorcraft turbine aircraft6,907
GA experimental aircraft34,200
Total airports19,622
     Public-use airports5,092
     Private airports14,530
Passengers flown1 billion
Annual gross domestic product5.1%
Aviation jobs created10,600,000
Number of airline-served airports550
NOTE: General aviation (GA) is defined as all types of aircraft that operate in one or more of the following categories. Business flights, air charter, private aviation, flight training, ballooning, paragliding, parachuting, gliding, hang gliding, aerial photography, foot-launched powered hang gliders, air ambulance, crop dusting, charter flights, traffic reporting, police air patrols and forest fire fighting.
General aviation does not include airline and military types of aircraft.

Pilot statistics

Airline transport164,947
    Total pilots664,565

Miscellaneous pilot statistics

Female pilots52,740
Average pilot age44.2
Flight Instructor pilot certificates113,445
Instrument ratings314,168